The Art of Storytelling:
Class Act's Personalized ERAS Strategy

Your story, told right.

Class Act’s Elite Consulting Strategy transforms your application into a compelling and memorable narrative. We do this by thinking of ERAS like a book wherein YOU are the main character, and your lived experiences dictate the plot. Alone, each chapter of the book must be powerful and convey a distinct message. Together, they need to deliver a strong statement about why you will be a successful physician in the US.

We begin by studying your applicant profile (personal background, experiences, MSPE, transcripts, and scores) and getting to know you during virtual meetings. Only then can we begin developing an approach that will ensure your application strategically covers all key points and effectively addresses any weaknesses. 

The Class Act Touch

Every residency program and program director has a different system for evaluating applications, but research shows the majority of people skim or scan writing before deciding if they want to actually read it. To account for variations across programs, we’ll make sure your CV, PS, and any other documents we collaborate on are both easily accessible via a quick skim and impressive upon a close, careful read.

Key chapters of your story


Your CV should be more than a list of experiences and achievements. When done right, it’s an interesting narration of your professional journey, showcasing your growth and aspirations. We rely on 3 principles here:


Bullet points have a tendency to be dry and boring--but yours won't be. Your consultant knows exactly how to elevate your experience descriptions beyond expectations. We’ll collaborate to make sure each of your 10 ERAS experiences showcases the significance, context, and outcomes of your experiences.

Personal Branding

Since your CV is often the one of the first documents reviewed, it needs to do the heavy lifting in terms of presenting your strengths in a way that stands out from 100s of other well-qualified applicants. This is our trademark, and you’ll love the result.


We underscore how each role and project contributed to your development and the wider medical community.

2. Personal Statement

The Personal Statement should eloquently articulate your motivations, insights, and reflections—in just 1 page. This means different things for different people, which is why our clients’ applications never look like the generic outlines, guides, or examples you’ll find online. Simply put, there’s no 1 right way to write your PS. Your story is yours alone. When you work with Class Act, your PS will leave program directors thinking, “That was really good! I’d love to talk to this person.”

There is one common goal for all applicants when it comes to the PS: to build connection with the reader and make them want to know you better…thereby prompting an interview invite!

3: Incorporating Supplemental Documents

Your MSPE, transcripts, and Letters of Recommendation (LoRs) are crucial components of your application and ERAS strategy. We guide you in presenting these elements effectively:


We’ll review your Medical Student Performance Evaluation to determine how to best contextualize the high points throughout your application.


If your school has asked you to create an MSPE, we can help. Please visit the Standalone Services page!


Some applicants have the chance to read their Letter(s) of Recommendation. If you choose to share them with us, we’ll suggest ways to connect key points of your letter(s) to your PS and CV.

If your letter writer has asked you to provide a draft for their review and signature, we can help. Please visit the Standalone Services page!


Our strategy is strengthened when you share your transcripts. Whether excellent, average, or atypical, it’s crucial to consider how your academic record colors the rest of your application.

As per the ECFMG, if you have a copy of your medical school transcript, you may upload it yourself using ECFMG’s OASIS.

4. Tying Everything Together

Strategically Addressing Gaps and Weaknesses

No applicant is “perfect.” A key aspect of Class Act’s approach is the strategic identification and addressing of any gaps or weaknesses in your application.

Our objective is not to conceal these elements, but to counterbalance them with your strengths. Doing so adds depth and authenticity to your story.


We're dedicated to helping you present a narrative that is as exceptional as your journey.

With Class Act's support, your ERAS application will not just tell your story—it will turn every page of your journey into a compelling reason for program directors to put you on their rank order list.

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