ERAS Consulting

Elite ERAS Consulting $4,999

Please Note: We will be opening Half-Season Consulting seats for post-September 25th applicants! If you are interested, please reach out via the Contact page for custom pricing.

Post-September 25th Openings: 6

Class Act’s Elite Consulting service offers one-on-one mentorship and hands-on guidance to address every aspect of your ERAS Application. We will make your success our priority from now through match day.  

It all starts with an in-depth onboarding process unique to Class Act. First, we’ll study your applicant profile and get to know you during a 75-minute one-on-one session. Next, your consultant will begin developing a strategic ERAS approach.

Drawing from years of experience, we will maximize each document’s impact, presenting a broad and incredibly detailed picture of who you are…and why programs should rank you to match.  

As your application develops, you’ll meet with your consultant during weekly face-to-face sessions and enjoy unlimited support via phone/text. 

Class Act’s ERAS approach is backed by 20+ years of combined experience helping applicants match. Our strategy reflects our expertise in the art of rhetoric and is informed by research and in-depth conversations with Program Directors across different fields. 

Your package includes

Phase 1

Weeks 1-4

Phase 2

Scheduled for September

Review your application with your consultant, from beginning to end, before certifying in ERAS.

Phase 3


The Class Act Difference


PHASE 1: Personalized Strategy and Document Development

Initial Strategy and Brainstorming

  • Begin with Class Act’s proprietary brainstorming process. You’ll be guided through a series of questions and exercises that prompt you to explore your values, formative experiences, clinical rotations, mentorship, and more.
  • Join your consultant for a 75-minute strategy session aimed at analyzing your strengths and weaknesses as well as your competitiveness according to NRMP data.
  • Based on the above, we'll collaborate to develop a comprehensive strategy for your Personal Statement, CV, and any other documents you signed up for.

Collaborative Document Development

  • Receive an initial draft of your CV 2-3 days post-meeting, which starts our iterative refinement process.
  • We'll provide thoughtful questions and prompts to help transform bullet points into a compelling narrative.
  • Together, we’ll maximize the impact of your ERAS application's 10 experience boxes, meaningful experiences, geographic/setting preferences, and impactful experience.
  • In week 3, you’ll begin collaborating with your consultant to develop your personal statement.
  • If you are working with your consultant on your MSPE & LoR(s), a timeline for those documents will be discussed during your initial strategy session.

Ongoing Teamwork & Document Refinement

  • Ongoing content polishing: every word, sentence, and punctuation mark is intentional and used for maximum impact and readability.
  • Weekly meetings for collaboration, questions about documents, and guidance on the ERAS process.
  • Unlimited phone/text communication during the 4-week Phase 1 for immediate support and relationship building.
  • We always offer tailored advice, going beyond what you can find on the web. We will apply advanced ERAS knowledge acquired over 10+ match seasons to offer you personalized guidance for every ERAS component.

By the end of week 4, you will have finalized your CV, PS, & any other documents added to your consulting package.

PHASE 2: Pre-Submission Meeting (Mid-September)

Certify with Confidence

Scheduled strategically for September (at least 5 days before your application deadline), this meeting is the culmination of your application preparation journey. It’s the moment where we refine the smallest details and address any final questions.

During this live meeting, your consultant will review your entire ERAS application.

Here's what you can expect

  • 1

    Demographics, Education, and Geographic/Setting Preferences

    We'll start by reviewing section 1 of the ERAS Application, “General Information,” ensuring every detail is on point.

  • 2


    Your experiences form the heart of your application. Each entry will be meticulously examined to ensure your skills, contributions, and the impact you've made in others’ lives is evident.

  • 3

    Personal Statement (PS) Read-Aloud

    During the meeting, your consultant will read your PS aloud, affirming its tone, structure, and impact are exactly as intended.

  • 4

    Final Polish

    With your input and our expertise, we'll make any final adjustments, corrections, or enhancements to your application.

Consulting. Strategy. ERAS CV. Personal Statement…and more.

Screen Sharing for In-Depth Review

The Pre-Submission Meeting offers you the opportunity to share your screen within the ERAS application. This allows us to review your application comprehensively, ensuring that every text box is correctly optimized within ERAS parameters.


After completing your Pre-Submission Meeting, you can certify knowing that your application is thorough, accurate, and ready for programs’ careful review.

PHASE 3: Post-Application Support (Early October)

In the weeks following your application submission, Phase 3 offers crucial support to enhance your chances of securing interviews and matching.


Virtual Strategy Session (60 min.)

One week post-application, you'll meet with your consultant to discuss a timeline for Letters of Interest, Interview Preparation, and more.


Letters of Interest & Intent x2 (each)

We'll craft 2 Letters of Interest and, later, 2 Letters of Intent all tailored to your chosen programs. These letters help you express your enthusiasm and commitment to your preferred programs effectively.


Thank You Letter x2

Personalized Thank You Letters are an expected formality post-interview—and they must be done “right”! We will craft letters for 2 programs, based on the context of your interviews, demonstrating your appreciation and professionalism.


Interview Prep x4 + ROL Guidance

Prepare thoroughly with 4 mock interview sessions tailored to your needs (75 minutes each). Sessions include response development and actionable feedback on your performance. Your consultant will also provide valuable guidance on creating your Rank Order List (ROL).


Full SOAP Assistance

If you participate in the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), your consultant will help update your PS and provide an additional session of Interview Prep.


FREE Elite Consulting Package Next Season, If Unmatched

If you don’t match this cycle and decide to apply again, you can sign up for the Elite Consulting package at no cost during the following season. We’re committed to your long-term success!