Expertise Beyond Medicine: A Game-Changer

Class Act’s consultants, Tiffany and Zef, are not doctors–and that’s exactly why so many match applicants have found success by partnering with us. You may be thinking, “Why should I trust someone who isn’t a doctor with my ERAS application?” The answer is because the NRMP match, ERAS, and rhetoric are our specialties. 

What is Rhetoric?

By definition, rhetoric is the art of using words to persuade. Lawyers and politicians are expert rhetoricians, for example. They think deeply and strategically about their audience and intended outcome and then use words to achieve the desired results. When you work with Class Act, you’ll be impressed by the rhetorical nuances of our approach. 

Our expertise lies not just in choosing the right words, but in understanding how these words can shape perceptions, evoke emotions, and persuade audiences. We apply our mastery of these concepts to each component of your application from the micro-level (words and sentences) to the macro-level (paragraphs, organization, and connection between documents).

rhetoric (n) – rĕt′ər-ĭk: The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.

As an academic discipline within the humanities, rhetoric aims to study the techniques that speakers or writers use to inform, persuade, and motivate their audiences.

ERAS: Audience & Outcome

We’ve taken the time to build a robust profile of your target audience: program directors. The profile is layered, with these key ideas serving as starting points for the deeper audience analysis:

  • High-level of exposure to similar documents
  • Prioritizes efficiency
  • Values authenticity
  • Receptive to laughing/smiling at content, but doesn’t expect it
  • Easily annoyed at certain cliches/tropes
  • Preconceived ideas about what the application documents “should” look like…yet…
  • Likely appreciates unique approaches that stay within the “acceptable” framework


The ultimate desired outcome is, of course, a match. Before that, though, you must convince a program to invite you for an interview.

With this in mind, Class Act helps develop application documents that are cohesive and engaging upon a quick skim AND hold up under the careful scrutiny of a close read, perhaps during ROL season. It’s sometimes difficult to balance these two goals, but it’s always possible.

Applying Rhetoric to the MyERAS Application (ERAS CV)

Your ERAS CV is more than a list of achievements. It’s your professional narrative, and crafting it takes finesse. The goal is to minimize generic bullet points and maximize details of your experiences. At the same time, the visual presentation of each description plays a key role in its success. This is where our expertise in technical writing comes into play.

Technical writing is a composition genre that often allows writers to prioritize how something “looks on the page” over any given set of formatting conventions. We take advantage of that within the 10 description fields that make up your experiences. Submitting your CV with long lists of bullet points isn’t a strong approach, so we think about how to break up your content into smaller, more impactful sections. 

Partnership for Success

We’re not doctors, and that's our strength. We bring something different to the table: a dedicated focus on your narrative, a deep understanding of effective communication, and a personalized approach to your ERAS application.

At Class Act ERAS Consulting, we're committed to turning your journey and aspirations into a compelling story that opens doors to your future in medicine.

A Final Note

Not everyone needs help crafting their ERAS application, but given the extreme competition for positions, all applicants can benefit from working with a knowledgeable consultant. There are lots of us out there! Before signing up with any ERAS or match advisor (or service), make sure ALL your questions are answered and that the terms are written in black and white!

Some great questions to ask before signing up:

  • How much time can my consultant dedicate to reviewing my documents?
  • How many revisions are allowed?
  • What if I am not satisfied with my PS/ERAS CV?
  • Can I call/text my consultant as needed?
  • How quickly will my consultant respond to messages?


When choosing a consultant, make sure you will be their priority, not just a side project or something to work on after a long shift at the hospital. The individualized attention and holistic approach provided by Class Act sets us apart in this regard. We are dedicating 100% of our workday to you. 

In your ERAS application, where every word can tip the scales, a rhetorician’s insight ensures your application authentically conveys your story as well as your strong likelihood of success in residency.

Working with Class Act will bridge the gap between your personal journey and the professional expectations of residency programs, ensuring your application is remembered for all the right reasons.

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